Ninja614 is a coder, biker, gamer, foodie, ninja-samurai. He has enjoyed video games his entire life! However, Elder Scrolls Online is his current passion.
His first stream on Twitch was July 27, 2017. What started as a way to connect with other players and share gaming quickly turned into something much bigger. Now, he is passionately pursuing a full-time streamer and entertainer career! Before Twitch he built a software development company that has lasted over fifteen years.
Ninja614 lives in Central Ohio with his wife of twenty years and three children who will occasionally join him on live stream and other content.
Make sure you check out his Twitch channel and join in the shenanigans
Some notable facts:
- Partnered on Twitch in five months.
- Simplicity Stream Team Member
- Tech&Junk Team Member
- Official Elder Scrolls Online Stream Team Member
- Official Discord Partner
- Streamlabs All-Star
- Stream.Gifts Partner
- $13,376.45 raised for charity in 2018 via Tiltify for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, National Breast Cancer Research Foundation, World Wildlife Fund